Why should Product Managers learn and use Data Exploration Analysis (DEA)

Before you start reading this article, I want to clarify that the opinions expressed in this post are my own and do not represent the views or opinions of the company I currently work for.   Having clarified everything around opinions, let’s begin!  The first time I heard about Data Exploration Analysis (DEA) was while doing …

Reviewing year 2020 and creating my commitments for 2021

Reviewing 2020 Last year has definitely been a strange year for everyone. There have been tectonic changes regarding how we live, relate with each other and live. During last year some of the most deep assumptions around work have been put to test by the new reality forced upon us by COVID pandemic. What has …

This is why a shared vision is so important

Many product managers don’t give enough time to share their vision with their team so everyone is onboard around the destination the product is taking. This lack of communication around the product vision generates a number of problems. As we will see in this article, these problems have a simple solution. Simple, but not easy. …

As a Product Manager you should love continuous integration

Product Managers usually don’t talk about continuous integration, in spite of being a fundamental foundation of modern product management.  Continuous integration is not really a Product Management role.  It’s actually a function of the technology department, but having or not having continuous integration deeply impacts the way a Product Managers do their work. What is …

What competencies are companies looking for in Product Managers?

Due to the great success of the last Product Tank talk around the topic of how to obtain work as Product Manager, we decided that the first talk after summer would be focused on going deeper into the question of what do professionals and companies look when looking for a PM role. Let’s review what …