Thank You, Careershifters

Last year I left Careershifters after approximately three and a half years working in this organisation. It all went so fast that I didn’t have the time to properly acknowledge and thank the people who’m I’ve shared so many great moments.

As 2019 kicks off, I want to take the time to thank Richard Alderson, the founder of Careershifters, for the opportunity to contribute to this great organisation. I also want to thank Natasha for your enthusiasm, aliveness, for sharing so much knowledge around coaching people that are going through career transitions and for each and every inspiring article you write. I also want to thank Sab for being so caring for the people that come asking for support and guidance.

Also thank you also to all the coaches that have been coaching in our workshops and courses. Anna, James, Maria, Angie, Sara, you all make and many others. You have made a big difference in the lives of many hundreds (if not thousands!) of people. Also many many thanks to the development team in India for their great work.

I’m really proud of the great coaching programs and products we have build together. These have helped thousands of people start taking action towards work they love.

I’ve learned a lot during my time in Careershifters. From the coaches I’ve learned how you can support people through their career change and be a stand for them in their way to discover work that works for them. From Richard, how to run a small team and business, and create a space for everyone to share their thoughts and feel free to speak up. From Natasha, how distinctions can make a difference in the way people see their reality in the context of career change. From Sab I’ve learned to bring empathy and learn how to listen to customers. From Swarnendu I’ve learned a lot about Marketing Automation, Drupal and Infusionsoft.

During these years I’ve also learned that career change is hard.

And it hard not only because you are thinking about changing your work industry, but also because with that change comes also a change in identity.

Changing jobs is in a way also accepting that you have a new “self” different from your current “self”. This journey can be really scary at times, but you come out on the other side with more peace of mind and knowing yourself much better.

It’s important to self check and see what your values are and also check if your values are aligned with your work.

If there is a mismatch between the values and work, there will almost always be suffering.

If you have been stuck in a job that is not right for you, and you cannot seem to find a way out, my recommendation is that you look for help.

That can be Careershifters or a professional career coach, or a trusted friend that makes you accountable for taking action towards change.